Traditional New Year resolutions have not been my thing for many years and safe to say studies have shown that those resolutions rarely have successful long term outcomes. I do however believe in creating space to re-set a mindset or behaviors and the New Year is an excellent time of year that can be the nudge we need to do so.
I would like to offer a couple of ideas to consider, to try on for yourself and just see if they may be helpful and have more overall success well into 2025 for you too.
A New Year Intention. Setting an intention is a bit like a daily promise to yourself and also a means of putting us back in control of our days versus moving into each day in default mode. Setting an intention is about how you want to feel, being in the present and often focused on living your values. And they can be very simple.
Intention examples: "I will practice being a better listener when I am in conversations with my partner." "I will treat my body better by moving a little more each day." "I will act and speak with more kindness."
My Quote. Find a quote that speaks to you, to your values, to the core of who you want to be in this world. Write it out and tape it up. Print it out and frame it up. Make it into your own window decal and put it on your vehicle window. “It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.” —Dalai Lama
My belief on why Setting an Intention or identifying My Quote are often more successful is that they are, at our core, who we are and/or what we want to stand for in this world and this in itself is often more valued by us then external achievement's. In my past work as a mental health counselor, I had a great privilege to see and know the positive changes that can happen when we start to live a life that aligns more with our values. And this can also often lead to living a life that has more meaning and purpose.
Have a safe, happy and value living year!